Royal Canadian Legion 

Valley City - Branch 36

Dundas, Ontario

  Legion Honours and Awards
Ladies Auxiliary

Saturday, 5th March, 2011


  Photographs courtesy of Helen Nelson, Bonnie Patro, Cheri Harrington and Peter Whittaker

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1.  A moment of silence is observed before sitting down to dinner

2.  Jackie Ralston, Ladies Auxiliary Zone Commander and her husband Bill

3.  Jim Chesterfield, Legion Zone Commander and his wife Sharon

4.  The Reverend Jim Sandilands, Padre for Branch 36

5.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander and his wife Marilyn

6.  Terry Kobylinski 2nd Vice President Ladies Auxiliary
and Terrie Gubbins President Ladies Auxiliary

7.  John Murphy, President Branch 36

  Arlene Gross and Ann Hayes with the Ladies Auxiliary's 66th birthday cake

9.  Ladies Auxiliary's 66th birthday cake

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Arlene Gross and Ann Hayes Ladies Auxiliary members blow out the candles on the Ladies Auxiliary's 66th birthday cake

11.  John Murphy, Branch 36 President  and Terrie Gubbins, Ladies Auxiliary President

12.  Dawn Lewis, Branch 36 1st Vice President  prepares to hand out Certificate of Appreciation

  Leo Shaidle receives Certificate of Appreciation from Dawn Lewis, Branch 36 1st Vice President

14.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President Branch 36 presented Dorothy Foord, Joan Belmore, Mary Hannah and Bev Brooks with Certificates of Appreciation for their work at the Saturday Meat Draws

  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President Branch 36 presents Marie Kobilynski, Marilyn Latchford, Dale Lucking, Faye Kielty and Peter Martin with Certificates of Merit for their work at the Friday Fish Fries

16.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President Branch 36 presents Sandra Hicks, Paul Penney, Bonnie Patro and Murray Floyd with Certificates of Merit for their work around the Branch

  Sue Shantz with her Certificate of Merit for work around the Branch

18.  Peter Whittaker, Leo Shaidle and Murray Floyd received Certificates of Merit for their help with the Poppy Fund

19.  Ross Covert, Joe Freelove and Elmer Cantelo received Certificates of Merit for their help with the Poppy Fund

20.  John Murphy, President Branch 36 presents Peter Whittaker with plaque for winning entry at District Level for Branch 36 Bullytin newsletter

21.  Peter Whittaker, Editor of Branch 36 Bulllytin, thanks members for their contributions to the Bullytin and tells them it would not be possible without their help.

22.  Stan Hick, Sick and Last Post Chair and Peter Whittaker, 3rd Vice President prepare to hand out certificates and pins to members.

23.  Stan Hicks and Peter Whittaker present Kenneth Harrison, Alex Hunter and Peter Martin with their 5 years of service ordinary member pins

24.  Stan Hicks, Sick and Last Post Chair, presents Eamon Morgan with his 5 years of service affiliate member pin with Peter Whittaker 3rd Vice President

25.  Stan Hicks, Sick and Last Post Chair, presents Bill Ebbers and Paul Plante with their 10 years of service ordinary member pins with Peter Whittaker 3rd Vice President

26.  Stan Hicks, Sick and Last Post Chair, presents to Sue and Gary Logue with their 10 years of service associate member pins, with Peter Whittaker 3rd Vice President

27.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President presents Virginia Lawrence with her 20 years of service ordinary member pin

28.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President presents Dale Edwards with his 20 years of service associate member pin

29.  Dorothy Foord accepts her 25 years of service associate member pin from Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President

30.  Jim Chesterfield, Zone Commander, presents Dawn Lewis, Earl Lewis and Charlie Parsons with their 30 years of service associate member pins

31.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President, presents Charles McMenemy and Len Chetwyn with their 35 years of service ordinary member, with Jim Chesterfield, Zone Commander

32.    Terrie Gubbins Ladies Auxiliary President, presents Arlen Gross with flowers and her 35 year associate member pin with Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President and Jim Chesterfield, Zone Commander

33.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents Gary Rechelle, Gary Paris, Joe Freelove and Frank Holk with their 40 years of service ordinary member pins

34.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents Gary Reichheld, Gary Paris, Joe Freelove and Frank Holk with their 40 years of service ordinary member pins

35.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents George Love with his 45 years of service year ordinary member pin

36.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents George Love with his 45 years of service year ordinary member pin

37.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents Brody Howlett and Jordan Deneau with their Sports Chair executive service medals

38.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander, presents Peter Whittaker with his 3rd Vice President executive service bar

39.  Cherie Harrington and Gerry Belec, Poppy Fund Co-Chairs, present to present cheques from Poppy Fund

40.  Maureen Ellis accepts cheque for $10,000 from Gerry Belec, Poppy Fund Chair for use with veterans at St.Joseph's Villa

41.  Parker Neale accepts cheque for $10,000 to for MUMC Hospital's Cancer Research

42.  Stan Hicks, Sick and Last Post Chair presents cheques to Bill Hyslip representing #2865 Royal Canadian Artillery Army Cadets and Lt. Derek Evans representing RCSCC Dundas Sea Cadets

43.  Jim Chesterfield, Legion Zone Commander and Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander prepare to hand out service pins and awards

44.  John Westlake and Helen Nelson are applauded after receiving their 50 years of service ordinary awards from Jim Chesterfield, Legion Zone Commander and Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander

44.  John Murphy, President Branch 36 announces the name of the Legionnaire of the year

45.  Dawn Lewis, 1st Vice President and Jim Byron, Sergeant at Arms, await announcement of Legionnaire of the year

47.  Sandra Hicks receives her Legionnaire of the Year award from Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander

48. Sandra Hicks Legionnaire of the Year for 2011

49.  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander presents Marilyn Latchford and Dawn Lewis with Legion Life Memberships

50.  Marilyn Latchford recipient of Life Membership in the Legion

51.  Dawn Lewis recipient of Life Membership in the Legion

52.  Marilyn Latchford and Dawn Lewis with Legion Life Memberships

53.  Stan Hicks receives Meritorious Service Medal from John Murphy, Branch 36 President and Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander

54.  Stan Hicks accepts Meritorious Service Medal and Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander and John Murphy, Branch 36 President look on

55.  Stan Hicks recipient of Legion's Meritorious Service Medal

56.  Sandra Hicks Legionnaire of the Year for 2011 with Stan Hicks recipient of Legion's Meritorious Service Medal

57.  Jackie Ralston, Ladies Auxiliary Zone Commander comments on the evenings presentations

  Dave Smith, Deputy District Commander

59.  John Murphy, President Branch 36 and Terry Gubbins, President Branch 36 Ladies Auxiliary introduce the head table guests.

60.  Colours readied for removal

61.  Colour Party marches on to take up colours

62.  Colour Party taking up colours

63.  Colour party and those in attendance give moment of silence

64.  50 year ordinary service medal on jacket of recipient Helen Nelson

65.  Peter Whittaker, 3rd Vice President, chats with husband of Helen Nelson, 50 year medal recipient

  Gerry Belec, Poppy Fund Chair

67.  Helen Nelson, recipient of 50 year ordinary member pin, sits with Joan Belmore

68.  Paul Penney, Frank Holk and Joe Freelove

69.  Peter Whittaker with his Poppy Fund Certificate of Merit and the District Level winning plaque for the Branch 36 Bullytin newsletter

  Cameo shot of those in attendance

71.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

72.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

  Cameo shot of those in attendance

74.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

75.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

76.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

77.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

78.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

79.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

80.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

81.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

82.  Cameo shot of those in attendance

83.  Royal Canadian Legion Crest on podium.