2024 House of Providence Picnic held at St.Joseph's Villa

On Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 the Dundas Branch 36 Colour Party and the Dundas Legion's Catch the Ace Draw crew helped celebrate the House of Providence picnic at St. Joseph's Villa retirement center.

The House of Providence Picnic has a rich history dating back to 1879, when it was first organized to raise funds for the initial care home on the grounds of our campus.  The picnic was a beloved annual event for 92 years by the community, before coming to a halt when the home was destroyed in a devastating fire in 1971.  The tradition was briefly reinstated to support the care at St. Joseph’s Villa before being replaced by our Foundation’s annual gala.

At this year’s House of Providence Picnic, residents and their families, staff, volunteers and our community supporters are invited to join us and take part in traditional picnic activities such as live entertainment, BBQ lunch, bake sale, pie baking competition, games & prizes, BINGO, dunk tank, animals, craft vendors, and more!

Photographs courtesy of Paul Wright Photography


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